How to get rid of Spider’s?
In order to bring a Spider infestation under control, inspection is always the most vital and first step.
Spiders are arachnids, not insects. Spider’s in Australia are some of the most poisonous in the world, so not only do they look scary, but they have the potential to hurt us and our loved one’s also. Don’t delay, call us now!
- Never leave out any food—particularly smelly food such as cheese—which could tempt pests inside
- When storing food, always ensure it is out of the reach of rats and mice, who can be particularly crafty; aim to store your provisions at least six inches above the floor,
- Block entry points and remain vigilant in the search for new signs of damage which could represent a pest’s attempts to gain access to your property
- Dispose of trash frequently, and always ensure that bins are sealed
- Always clean worktops, especially food preparation areas, before use. It may seem paranoid, but you never know when a pest may have spread disease onto your counters when you weren’t looking.